I certify that the above information on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; that my electronic signature is the equivalent of a handwritten signature; that I am authorized to complete this report on behalf of the company and/or individual(s) listed above; and that I am authorizing MC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, or any of its subsidiaries, to execute this annual report with the Department of State on my behalf.

At MC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, we do our best to file your renewal promptly to avoid any late penalties. If you feel that you have paid for our service and want to request a refund from our billing team. We offer refunds ONLY if the service has not been rendered. Email: sergios@mcbizsolutions.com

IMPORTANT NOTICE: You are NOT required to purchase anything from this company and the company is NOT affiliated, endorsed, or approved by any governmental entity. The item offered in this advertisement has NOT been approved or endorsed by any governmental agency, and this offer is NOT being made by an agency of the government.

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